Ask For Help

The topics presented in this report can be difficult to process. For our community, grief has negatively affected us in many ways including our mental health. A new study from the Williams Institute at UCLA School of Law finds that 81% of transgender adults in the U.S. have thought about suicide, 42% of transgender adults have attempted it, and 56% have engaged in non-suicidal self-injury over their lifetimes.This is why we encourage you, especially if you are transgender and/or nonbinary, to talk to your primary care provider or another health provider if you are experiencing any mental health distress. If you are currently experiencing any emotional distress and would like to talk to someone immediately, please contact one of the resources below.

Trans Lifeline recognizes that most crisis hotlines in the U.S. use nonconsensual law enforcement referrals, which can decrease trust in crisis hotlines and cause more short-and long-term trauma, particularly to people of color, trans people, minors, undocumented people, and people living with mental health disabilities. For more information on Trans Lifeline’s #SafeHotlines campaign, please visit:

Trans Lifeline

(peer support phone service run
by trans people for trans
and questioning peers)

Call 877-565-8860
Learn More:

The Trevor

(provides 24/7 crisis support
services to LGBTQ young people)

Call 866-488-7386

Text 678678

Chat Online: section/get-help

Suicide & Crisis Lifeline

(formerly the National Suicide
Prevention Lifeline)

Call or Text 988

Call 1-800-273-TALK (8255)

Chat Online:

For TTY Users:
Use your preferred relay service
or Dial 711 then 988

Veterans Crisis Line

(for veterans, military personnel,
and their families)

Call 988 and Press 1

Text 838255

Chat Online:

The National Center For Transgender Equality

(advocacy and policy organization)

Learn More:

SAGE LGBTQ+ Elder Hotline

(connects LGBTQ+ older people who
want to talk with friendly responders
who are ready to listen)

Call 877-360-LGBT (5428)

Learn More: